Phone: 072-805-2801
  • 文部科学省
  • 日本学術振興会
  • 関西外大



日 時 2016年3月13日(日) 15時15分~17時45分
会 場 京都大学 文学部 新館2階 第三演習室(L212)
共 催 科研費基盤(B)「仏典における認識機序記述の研究―最初期から大乗期に至る記述の構造的把握を通して」
(代表 中谷英明)
共 催 日仏東洋学会

<Open Lecture>
Monday 13, March, 2016
Room L212, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University
Co-organizer: Research Group “Descriptions of Cognitive Mechanism in Buddhist Texts”, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Head Investigator: Hideaki Nakatani, Kansai Gaidai University
Co-organizer: Société franco-japonaise des études orientales.

Vincent Eltschinger, Directeur d'études, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section des sciences religieuses
"Aśvaghoṣa on Smṛti"

Aśvaghoṣa’s Saundarananda is well-known for being one of the earliest accounts of the Buddhist path composed by a historical author with a palpable personality. One of the many interests of the poem lies in its reflecting pre-Mahāyānistic and pre-idealistic early Yogācāra ideas and practices. But in spite of Aśvaghoṣa’s legendary connection with the redaction of the Mahāvibhāṣā, his works seem to reflect soteriological views that are earlier than the Vaibhāṣika systematization of the path, in particular the so-called abhisamayavāda, and to place much emphasis on mindfulness and its four “applications”. This lecture is aimed at assessing the nature and function of smṛti and smṛtyupasthāna in the works of Aśvaghoṣa.